A big Cedar growing at Nagashima-Jinjya shrine

I arrived at entrance of the Nagashima-Jinjya shrine after walking for about 15 minutes from Kii-Nagashima station. A big cedar tree was standing at the entrance. Though it was magnificent height, and had impressive diameter. I was surprised by it’s size, and I thought the diameter must be about 2 meters. According to the information, the tree age is about 850 years old. As well as the amazing size, wrinkled texture and green moss on the trunk of the tree made me understand true age on the tree. When compared to the growing speed of trees, the speed at which of human race change is very fast. It made me wonder about how many advances in human development the cedar tree had observed, sitting silent and unmoving in its place. This made me wish the cedar tree could talk with, so that I would like to hear it’s stories. If it could do so, I believe it would say “Do not make the environment any worse, so that I(cedar) may continue to live, strong and tall.”