“Kii-Nagashima” station
At the beginning of the day I had to take the bus to a bus stop where I had previously arrived last walking trip. Because on my last trip I had not walked the way along the train line. It was 2:50 pm when I arrived a “Hamadabashi” bus-stop. Because the bus service was infrequent making getting to this bus-stop quite inconvenient. I lost a lot of time but I remade my mind and I started to walk. Fortunately it was a fine day and I started my journey being blown by May wind, and I made my target for today the arrival at rail-road station. According to my map, my destination was “Kii-Nagashima” station, and was about 20 Kms away. I walked mostly on the roads in the mountains but I could occasionally see the ocean as my journey progressed. Before long after the sun began to set, it became pitch black and I had to use my flashlight to navigate through the mountain road. Finally I reached my destination at 8:40 pm and there wasn’t a soul in sight, save for one high school student waiting for the train. I made this little station memorable for me, although it was not a particularly station by any standards!