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Tangerine Field
I started from Kii-Yura station early in the morning and it was still dark. After three hours and half from the start I was walking on the road going through many mountains and into Hirokawa town. There were many tangerine fields on all the slopes of the mountains. On the slopes there were, many yellow and big tangerines, as well as green ones that were still growing up. It was so beautiful, that I wanted to take a picture, so I went into the tangerine field. It was sometimes rainy and sometimes the rain stopped, it was unfortunate weather. Therefore water droplets attached themselves on all of the tangerines, this highlighted the freshness of the fruit. “Kaboom!” I heard an explosion sound once for several minutes. I could not only hear from one direction, but also from several different directions. I thought that there might be a time lag. “What is the sound of the explosion coming from?” It was like an explosive sound that drove away many sparrows that ate the rice, although there were no paddy fields. “It may be for driving away birds and beasts that eat the tangerines!” I walked ahead thinking so and seeing the tangerine field, I felt sour and I started to salivate.