Suzuka Circuit
I saw a guide panel at Suzuka Circuit, when I walked beyond the coast comfortably near to Shiroko station. I decided to go in that direction, because I would like to go to Suzuka Circuit from the beginning. I changed my direction 90 degrees, I walked to the inner land leaving the coast. I walked fast a little, because it was after 4 PM. I heard the sound of the go-karts and the voice from the speaker explaining about the races, when I approached the Suzuka Circuit. There were many go-karts racing in the course, when I peeped from where I can see it. Many peoples with their children who played in the amusement park had been going out from the gate and going to their homes. It seems like everyone had fun, but as for me I had to go to the station which is far away. So, I took a photo and I began to walk fast again!