

I liked mountain trekking when I was young. I climbed many mountains such as the South and North Alps. I have climbed also many other mountains in Japan during every vacation. However, after the birth of my twin boys, I could no longer climb mountains due to being so busy. Before I knew it, my stamina had reduced, and I was middle aged! I would like to go to the mountains again, but I can not go due to the many risks that face me. Then, I had the idea to have “Trips by walking”. This have been my new hobby. Sticking to walking only, my trip started on the vacation of May 2012. The arrival point of one trip would become the starting point of the next. My belongings are, maps printed from internet, tripod, digital camera to take photos of myself, a pedometer to measure the steps, a notebook, and bank card or cash. I edit the pictures, and the maps in which the traces of my walking are described, when I am in my home. And I make A4 size cards for my memory, then I find it is fun to upload them to my homepage. I would like to have a sharp life, and I like to make my fighting spirit a source of my youthfulness. I will not be able to achieve my trip going around Japan completely before end of my life. However, a fact that I can have the trip is evidence of that my family including me are all healthy, and of that the economic situation is good and also social is peaceful. I appreciate our heavenly god for protecting us all through the time, and I would like to continue to have the trip and walk as far as possible.